陷 阱 灵 魂 作词 : 张旭桐 作曲 : 张旭桐 作词:HoneyJune 作曲:HoneyJune 编曲:HoneyJune 混音:HoneyJune feeling love is fading all my friends are leaving can not change a thing cuz it's sad but it's still working 大概怠惰了几天 草稿本反复涂改第九遍 白教堂向南照常的路线 没兴趣再提炼任何字眼 转换了思考的角度 依然是昏暗无光的重复 看不出未来一丝的横竖 埋葬了幼稚可笑的企图 分针再一步是零点 我懒得再继续体验 怎看怎像烂影片 可拍庸碌从来不缺庸导演 大声叫喊 活像个一切幸福可羡慕她痛苦的人 多少人向往被抑郁症确诊 大多是油腻的肉身 受够了烂情歌对假朋友隐瞒我过往的云烟 还想在加勒比抽烟 听说你也有了新的起点 陷在泥潭里遥远的美好不必再提起 我更怕写不出歌曲尽管最后都毫无意义 one step,two step "brighter day ahead" three step,fall off who said? one step,two step "brighterday ahead" three step,fall off who said that? That's what I been doing feel alright when I'm drowning That's what I been doing feel alright when I'm drowning tryna stand on my feet way too many voices on me I ain't have too many options attaboy you got a question I can't be end up nobody I owe this **** for my family dealing with pressure and hatred always be up for the city 爸爸再多给点时间妈妈也妈妈再多等几天 一定把计划都给实现 血液里流淌我对它的想念 见多了它的晚霞 却不能再感受它的春秋 不能让来他们来安排我生活 多少人一辈子一场抓阄 被给予的不少不多更担心偿还能不能够 不再让自己享受首先要让家人满意点头 当滥俗的饶舌都没去留下了真正忠诚的节奏 等到我站在浪尖风口 这一段将是最后的请求 one step,two step "brighter day ahead" three step,what next we gon top that one step,two step "brighter day ahead" three step,what next we gon top that That's what I been wishing I make them proud make them listen That's what I been doing I make them proud make them listen