[00:00.000] 作词 : 张旭桐 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 张旭桐 [00:04.82]黄泊然HollerGang [00:06.31]张旭桐HoneyJune [00:07.53]张一弛HeechyWhy [00:08.76]彭裕祥BiggieBurr [00:10.87]HollerGang: [00:12.65]Who am i who am i hopefully (时常向自己抛出疑问:你是谁?) [00:14.23]what kinda species sure to lead you illumine (何种属性暗度陈仓尝试将你扭曲) [00:16.21]As u like as u like i fear that one day that i become heartless like u as a parasite (即答:如你所愿,心存暗面但吾心向善) [00:20.28]how much do i need (我欲望何边?) [00:21.82]how much do i need (我想要什么?抑或多少?) [00:22.80]until i found its me versus me (直到发现我是在对抗自己) [00:24.15]cant allow these personalities always conflict (并深知无法任由多面人性肆意纠缠肉身 伴随余生) [00:26.81]actually pretty appreciate your way of lunatic (我作风癫狂,更自我拥簇) [00:28.63]we god damn we god damn u‘ve sent me a lot damn (该死 上万族中他只认我们 释伽牟尼寄送苦难 以洗洁我们内心) [00:31.44]at times i felt myself astray since i came god damn it(我时常感觉自己不过一粒尘埃) [00:34.31]here a supernatural forces urgent me god damn it(又或如内心那股压迫所描述那般?) [00:37.39]i feel like say some i feel like take some i feel like drill some (十八岁我一无所有 尝试去辩解 去索偿) [00:40.42]“you cannot wait more” (“时不我待!”) [00:46.32]list of the mind number 1 is daddy run on me (浮于脑中的记忆首当父亲的鞭策) [00:48.06]no pessimism faggy talk bad on me(xxxxxx) [00:49.80]its all about the bobbi hands on me (还有初尝禁果伴侣宛如羔羊) [00:51.56]And my mammy always leave a door for me(和那些思想叛乱的日子 母亲依旧为我留驻信任) [00:53.67]true religion runs above of me (信仰的圣光普照) [00:55.60]Junehoney biggi heechy still wake up an optimistic (我的兄弟张旭桐 彭裕祥 张一弛在每个清晨心存阳光醒目) [00:58.67]people are ego debating on themselves no honesty (陌生人,你过于自负 真诚缺失) [01:00.68]small percentage whom im bulding with (这也是我只和少数志同道合的人共事的原因) [01:02.83]thought u the man who telling the truth (陌生人,你自认清高,自认与真理共存自认天选之子) [01:04.78]if I get cash i will be serve of the poor (告诉你吧我只是个务实的穷鬼 若来日坐拥金山,毋相忘) [01:10.30]very night the time of fermentation now im sniffing (在非常的夜晚我写下内心所感) [01:13.22]this that aint about the lottery glory to the shigamoni do i gotta suffer for it (送给支撑我许久的信仰:余生漫长 多多关照) [01:29.47]HoneyJune: [01:33.98]My skintone the best part, I go hard (引以为傲是我的肤色,我不会松懈) [01:36.03]'til I leave my own mark on that Holly' Boulevard (直到在星光大道留下足印) [01:37.98]Adiós to all them chiggaz out there (休想盗取我的成果) [01:39.47]tryna steal mine, **** (也不与之同流合污) [01:40.95]I would just count on these red red, **** (从今向更高的物质标准看齐) [01:42.79]I would just stack up this paper (从今我要赚取财富) [01:44.24]Honeyjune never your lover (而非再与你纠缠) [01:45.76]Mfkr got a sense **** gon better (哥们儿有预感好事要发生) [01:47.81]you say you been seeing them crackers on black people (你说你仍看到 外面的世界 黑色受白色的欺压 老生常谈) [01:49.85]well I see all of them look down on my people (而我眼里装着 切实的发生 我民族仍不受他双方待见 近在咫尺) [01:51.86]Fix up the pride anew take it to my level (重拾我之自尊 把这一切带入我们的水准) [01:53.75]Stop typing hype 'fore you think it not difficult (参与这一切 再去不屑 别同我键盘上显优越) [01:56.26]Ever since I was young, still young (自年轻时便如此,依然年轻) [01:58.22]Change rules like jewel, duchamp (转换规则如首饰,我是杜尚) [02:00.22]Now I got my A-team journey still long (我已有这一级团队 而旅程依然漫长) [02:02.27]Eighteen eighteen gotta get it done (二零一八年 十八岁 有些东西该要完成) [02:04.33]Holler to my Gang (向我的兄弟们致意) [02:05.10]Itchy for the pain (不畏惧追求痛苦) [02:06.07]Actin like I'm Biggie always make it rain (依然会风流潇洒如同Biggie B.I.G) [02:08.17]Grand story all glory (恢弘的故事,尽是荣耀) [02:10.17]and when my day (当我的时代来临) [02:11.14]be see my name (你会看见我的名字: ) [02:12.83]It's HoneyJune [02:13.69]HeechyWhy: [02:14.12]Ain't nobody gonna do that peace out roof bang (不是每个人都敢于跳出现状打破稳定) [02:16.20]Respect the people stand up keep damn expect (向敢于站起来保持信仰的人致敬) [02:17.94]I just write some stupid things let all u know bout what I mean (只能写些歌词表达想法) [02:19.98]I just care my life my fame my homies no evolution tip (只关心己利而没敢想革新) [02:22.23]Pick up all my verses (用空闲时间写词写歌) [02:24.07]No talent just wanna purchase (一无是处但是贪恋物质) [02:26.09]life is a gamble when i thought i gotta lose it (生活就是一场赌博) [02:28.45]then something make me laughing thats the certain logic (当跌入谷底时总有事情让我重燃希望) [02:30.35]pellet pellet on a day (每天都武装前进) [02:32.24]I'm human so sometime I'm fake (本为人 人性难免虚伪) [02:33.83]Nobody gonna do that nobody keep no lie (除了亲人兄弟没人会对你完全真诚) [02:35.89]Stand on ur side read all ur mind know ur vices but keep quiet (只有他们不顾一切坚定地在你身后) [02:38.39]'til I collapse see what I met know what I own (离去之时回望才会知道真正拥有什么) [02:40.30]Do care my fame although I know I'm wrong (即使知道这不该 但仍过于在乎名声) [02:42.40]Wanna stand out still wanna keep my zone (想要对世发声 又想护住自己的领域) [02:44.55]Hate the rich men but never on a loan (嫉妒富人但是不会为此爱慕虚荣) [02:46.50]See that big gun but never gonna pick it (有能力也不敢肆意使用) [02:48.25]till I can control my mind I'm scared to make another promise (在能控制自己之前不敢再作出承诺) [02:50.25]Seize it don't please (想要抓住机会但不敢冲动) [02:51.43]U will hurt it though u love it (即使本无恶意最后仍可能造成伤害) [02:52.51]there's beauty in the struggle but no beauty in the hurting (奋斗是美的 但是伤害没有美丽之处) [02:54.51]I always thinking bout that I was born to be somebody (总认为自己会大有作为) [02:56.31]but u should know that nobody want to be nobody (但是谁又想默默无闻呢_ [02:58.26]I'm not high end and well off be afraid of linger but that's wrong (不是富二代所以总急于求成即使我知这不对) [03:00.57]One day one verse is enough but in fact I quickly write this song (创作该循序渐进 可实际上这一首信手拈来) [03:02.56]I need peaceful sorrow no compare with other people (想要沉浸在自己的世界不参与竞争) [03:04.61]But battles lie in anywhere can’t stop my ego (但是我却无法压抑自己的好胜心) [03:06.50]It's MIPs on the road real talk in the song (MIPs正在不断进步 这首歌就是些我们那散乱的真实想法) [03:08.75]My homie on another rhyme will show u what we want (在后面另一个主旋律中biggi会继续讲述) [03:38.20]BiggieBurr: [03:43.92]It's the biggionary (这是biggi的故事) [03:45.86]since I was 7 I know that mission heavy (从小就知道我背负重任) [03:48.48]my parents told me only need to live in happy (父母总说要过得开心) [03:50.86]but **** that happy (但是真实生活总事与愿违) [03:51.98]That's all fit acting fictionally (虚假的面具看上去那么合适) [03:53.76]start fade in crowd grinding my spirit badly(生活把我消磨殆尽 以致我消失在人群中) [03:56.25]negligibly but still feeling all sights focus on me(我被忽视 可怕的视线寄生并蚕食着我) [03:59.73]so I need to avoid it(我想逃离) [04:00.90]avoid the scary what I gotta face it life is playing Pictionary (逃离我该面对的可怕生活) [04:04.23]gotta figure it out but questionary (想要找到答案但疑惑重重) [04:06.38]can't find a place to hide straw in paddy (像稻草人一样无处藏身) [04:08.60]nirvana have it from the music (所以企图透过音乐寻找重生的机会) [04:10.44]I selling candy I selling dream (我出售糖果同时经营梦想) [04:12.69]I hoping my religion hear me (希望信仰能够听到我的呐喊) [04:14.32]moni moni do i need to suffer for it (我必需承受这些痛苦吗) [04:16.62]do u know that I really hate that feeling (你知道吗) [04:18.26]I hate the money classify the people without the mercy (我憎恨金钱 它把人类区分 毫无仁慈可言) [04:21.19]poison make my family broken(金钱如毒药 它使我的家支离破碎) [04:23.24]I've seen people dead in front of my dormitory (在宿舍门前我曾目睹人亡) [04:25.86]life is not that value now the people here already forget about it(眼下 生命的珍贵似乎已被遗忘) [04:29.15]Life so tough can u feel about it (生活举步维艰 你感受到了吗) [04:31.86]indeed biggie will never be beaten be peace (我会失败但绝不会被击倒) [04:35.14]showing the way will be brighter (前景会日益光明) [04:36.75]believe we live in our hood our family we screaming for Rollie we deserve it (乡人各自追求他们应得的财富) [04:42.26]so I wake up every morning thinking bout my soul (每晨太阳升起询问内心的声音) [04:46.01]how it feeling (迷雾中看清前路) [04:47.86]useless, and out of lucky but wont giving it up so that easy (不轻易放弃) [04:53.28]yee MIPS hopping it out driving from normal to legendary (MIPs准备从平庸向传奇蜕变) [05:00.87]编曲:HollerGang/HoneyJune [05:03.27]混音:HoneyJune [05:06.83]Hollergang/HoneyJune/HeechyWhy/BiggieBurr [05:10.77]MIPs.