Hate Myself 作词 : 鬼卞/法老 作曲 : 鬼卞/法老 编曲:TanX 混音:TanX I hate myself But only I can hate myself They come and go But no one can take my soul away I hate myself But only I can hate myself They come and go But no one can take my soul away 以为我翻来覆去 每夜溺死在这沉重而吵闹的梦里吗 或者是癫狂若疾 生也生在尘土死也死于灰烬散去吗 如果你是我的镜 不过复制我的瞳孔难道还有声音吗 没法带走我的命 想要剥夺这个距离吸干我的曾经吗 难以跟你共情 不需要同情 毕竟没有演员那么聪明 公平不适用于宫廷 一代拥民 鸡毛当令箭的凶铃赐我绝境 抱歉让你失望了 葬礼之上我忘记了闭眼 放弃为我献花 和乌鸦不搭 诅咒我成沙 我却堆成塔 洒下那一把你所切齿咬牙又无可奈何的法 I hate myself But only I can hate myself They come and go But no one can take my soul away I hate myself But only I can hate myself They come and go But no one can take my soul away 时常感到灵魂丢失 市场让我被逼亲吻收视 周日 也要训练吃着寿司 求死 我狂吼着等着被人收拾 终止的手势 从不塞首饰 这才叫斗士 你是什么苟日的 走形式吧做只精致的猴子吧 等我收拾完你埋了你的后肢即使透支 我也不会被你驯服 我才不会被谁禁锢 背脊里是宫本武藏的筋骨 尽管过来侮辱否则我会死不瞑目 我和hiphop此生共舞 我的宏图 我比最臭的浓谈还要粗鲁 你算老几 我的hater全国无数 RIP guru 我要见你了我受够了和传奇人鬼殊途 想了解我生活的白痴 是的我有很多亏心事 去听你的Idol吧别来靠近我这伪君子 you get the **** off I hate myself But only I can hate myself They come and go But no one can take my soul away I hate myself But only I can hate myself They come and go But no one can take my soul away I hate myself But only I can hate myself They come and go But no one can take my soul away I hate myself But only I can hate myself They come and go But no one can take my soul away