Last Call [00:00]And so we’ve had another night [00:08]Of poetry and proses [00:13]And each man know he’ll be alone [00:19]When the sacred ginmill closes [00:26]And so we’ll drink the final glass [00:32]Each to his joy and sorrow [00:37]And hope the numbing drunk will last [00:41]Till opening tomorrow [00:51]And when we stumble back again [00:55]Like paralytic dancers [01:00]Each knows the question he must ask [01:06]And each man knows the answer [01:14]And so we’ll drink the final drink [01:20]That cuts the brain in sections [01:26]Where answers do not signify [01:32]And there aren’t any questions [01:40]I broke my heart the other day [01:46]It will mend again tomorrow [01:50]If I'd been drunk when I was born [01:57]I'd be ignorant of sorrow [02:05]And so we'll drink the final toast [02:11]That never can be spoken [02:16]Here's to the heart that is wise enough [02:21]To know when it's better off broke