The Season Of Us 作词 : 变量 作曲 : 赵鑫 编曲 Arranger:赵鑫 I am here to feel my moment, like it never ends Falling to the past, you and me 我感受当下的时刻,如它永远不会消逝 坠入旧时回忆,有你,有我 Someone says we were meant to be, like a fantasy I was the only one had a thing 都说你我如诗般美好,只有我心有戚戚 Believe or not I have no reason, you and me have no more questions Combine in one from soul to soul 毫无疑问,毫无理由,我们别无他想 灵魂的就此紧密相拥 I had my time, with you be my side and life, taking away the cloud and rain in my mind 我拥有那段美好的光阴,有你在侧,赶走心中的阴雨和乌云 I had your words, moment might have past so fast, oh don’t laugh it’s perfectly alright 我握着你的山盟海誓,纵然那个刹那转瞬既逝,别笑我为爱痴狂 Fall is here and we aren’t closer, people ask me why. No more fairytale, we've said goodbye. 秋已至,人已远,人们频频问起。我想童话已悄然落幕 间奏 The coffee shop we used to stop by, the bakery we love and shop by, all fold in night, save in my mind 夜幕将我们爱的咖啡馆和面包店折叠入夜,存在心间 It’s alright, the sweetness never fades and die. We had it full and all in those good old days 还好啦,那些甜蜜永不褪色。我们共同拥有美好的旧时光 It’s not right, nothing makes us fight or so, oh darling,I doubt you know why 不对劲啊,我们甚至不曾争吵。亲爱的,我想你也心存疑惑 There’s a leave, falling from the buttonwood, to witness my sorrow and I guess my solitude 梧桐叶落,见证了悲戚和萧瑟 There’s a myth, why aren’t I be afraid of love, oh don’t doubt my answer is you 我竟不曾恐惧爱情,别怀疑,原因是你 Fall, better to bring love home, with or without you, is that the same old time, fall with someone 秋天,把爱带回家吧,即使没有你。为一人倾心就是那美好的旧时光吧 Right, I never see it fine, baby I missed you bad, your shadow is in my life, as a falling leave from my heart. 好吧我承认,我从未放下。正如心中的落叶,你在我的生活中,亦是如影随形 Fall, better to bring love home, with or without you, is that the same old time, fall with someone 秋天,把爱带回家吧,即使没有你。为一人倾心就是那美好的旧时光吧 Right, I never see it fine, baby I missed you bad, your shadow is in my life, as a falling leave from my heart. 好吧我承认,我从未放下。正如心中的落叶,你在我的生活中,亦是如影随形 制作人 Producer:赵鑫 录音师 Engineer:一丁 混音师 Mixing Engineer:赵鑫&一丁 母带 master:一丁 钢琴 Piano:赵鑫 吉他 Guitar:赵鑫 贝斯 Bass: 赵鑫 合唱 Chrou:AKIKO桃子 平面美术设计 Art cover:侯e 统筹Publicity Director: 周萌 出品:二水星音乐工作室(Two Studio) 版权:北京博生兄弟文化传播有限公司(S.A.G)