1234 (feat. 薩麥爾) Girl 你是否一眼就能看穿我的内心软弱 不然我又怎么掉进漩涡 怎么做 忽悠我 Girl 是我一厢情愿他说不想背上这锅 只能想我示好代替沉默 Come on baby baby 到底我要怎么做 别急着把真相戳破 一步两步三步四步 Try to reach your feelings You're a mistake I can't escape 何时换来你回眸一眼 I want you to hold me tight Girl I'm a fool can't keep my cool 让你溜过指尖 Oh baby I got nothing left Oh baby I got nothing left but you SMY caresses your soul Baby I can really use some new love but all you do is got me so ****ed up 昨晚秒回 今天人间蒸发 你是不是还有好几个他 I know i can't be the one be the one tell me why girl Answer my call 不论你在哪里 Answer my call Baby can you make up your damn mind 忽冷忽热令我 Crazy I don't think i can do this anymore 一步两步三步四步 Try to reach your feelings You're a mistake I can't escape 何时换来你回眸一眼 I want you to hold me tonight Girl I'm a fool can't keep my cool 让你溜过指尖 Oh baby I got nothing left Oh baby I got nothing left but you but you~but you~~but you~~~~~~