Mercy Mercy,To My Melancholic Life Journey please stick to what you have said and don't break my heart la la la la please love everything we have and don't break apart la la la la we ran and ran we climbed all the mountains we shared and shared through all the seasons we sailed and sailed we went through the waters we trust and trust and we promise to go on please cherrish the love we have and the dreams we share la la la la please embrace the time we have and don't fall apart la la la la we cried and cried laughed again and hung on we helped and helped through all the seasons we live and live a new day to move on we fell and fell yet we had stood up again 久违的阳光撑起一把伞 围着我和身边的四季 我脸上绘上茫然的蓝 人潮如压 像罐头里的乍甸鱼 它们催逼我忆起你 在那个无人的电车上 你念一首别人的诗歌 换我们讪笑别人 快乐的一秒 我微笑 我垂泪 我忽尔听见你遥遥传来的歌声 我害怕你给我胡言乱语 它们像月亮 追随我于每个晚上 生活是一埸彩排 我呆想 你的重量 如果我们一同下沉 但愿我们的身躯重叠 please stick to what you have said and don't break my heart although i know one day you may go