MYSELF我 MYSELF我 MIX BY PISSY MASTER BY GhettoKid_OG BEAT BY THECRATEZ where do all these pains and sorrows come from? 这些痛苦和难受都从哪里来 why are all these wishes and dreams here? 为什么这些希望和梦依旧还在? what is your state? 你现在是什么状态? and who are you btw? 你又是谁? Hold on to it 坚持住 or i ain’t never gonna go out 不然我就永远走不出去了 Stuck in this hole 在这个黑洞里卡住 I’ve been really tired out 我已经很疲惫了 Youve been watching me 你一直看着我 since I was here from above with all your anger and your hunger 从我下来的那一刻开始,你就带着你的愤怒和饥饿看着我 Now you wonder why da xxxx would i be screaming louder than broken engine 现在你想知道为什么我为什么嘶吼得比坏掉的发动机还震耳欲聋 Roar 像在咆哮 Huh? 是吧? pop up a Champagne and get more 要不你开瓶香槟继续 Huh? 好吗? Set up a fire 赶紧生火 get me barbecued 把我烤了 or I’mma about to cut myself into another four 不然我会把我自己分成另外四份 I’m a feast to you 我之于你,就是一顿大餐 I’m a beast to you 我之于你,就是一个野兽 I am prisoned in this place 我被囚禁于此 get your pistol shoot 请用你的枪杀了我 Now you are trapped into your ego 你现在也同样被困,被困于你的自负 “how could you know” “你怎么知道?” Who knows 谁知道呢 Welcome to to my Funeral 欢迎来到我的葬礼 Felony, man 被判重罪 bury my body with berries 将我的身体与浆果一同埋葬 Sending the coffin to Paris 将棺材送去巴黎 Santa Claus will never be coming cuz of your madness 由于你的疯狂,圣诞老人再也不会出现 Life, it meaning nonsense to me 生命它对我来说太过于荒谬 so lost in my sadness 在悲伤中迷失 Nobody will take it from me 却没人能让我释怀 Maybe I don’t know bout my sins 或许我不知道我的罪恶 It is the devil living inside my brain 它就像一只魔鬼一样藏在我的大脑里 And I struggled and I fought back in vain 我挣扎过,却是徒劳 You might think that I am going insane 你可能觉得我疯了 Maybe I don’t know bout my sins 或许我不知道我的罪恶 It is the devil living inside my brain 它就像一只魔鬼一样藏在我的大脑里 And I struggled and I fought back in vain 我挣扎过,却是徒劳 You might think that I am going insane 你可能觉得我疯了 MYSELF 我 MYSELF 我 Rages 狂怒 Contagious 蔓延开来 We got trapped in a circle 我们都被困在一个圈子里 Outrageous 一反常态 Rages 狂怒 Contagious 蔓延开来 We can’t feel things subtle 我们感受不了细微的东西 follow crazes 都在随波逐流 Rages 狂怒 Contagious 蔓延开来 We got trapped in a circle 我们都被困在一个圈子里 Outrageous 一反常态 Rages 狂怒 Contagious 蔓延开来 We can’t feel things subtle 我们感受不了细微的东西 follow crazes 都在随波逐流 I never knew I deserved a better 我从来不知道 world without you 我应得一个更好的,没有你的世界 then I came to understand it 接着我明白了 knowing the truth 知道了真相 I won’t deny it 我不否认 I won’t do lying 也不再遮掩 ima go fight it every time 我将奋起反抗 I wont follow my mind 我不再跟随内心的恶魔 Should just kill it 将其抹杀 And never ever listen to my inner voice again 我不再听从内心的罪恶 It fooled me all the time 它总是耍我 I want to put it to an end 我想要了结这一切的孽 You are my 你是我 Cuz you are my darkest side 你是我最黑暗的一面 Who lies? 有谁在撒谎? You lie? 你吗? Who will die? 最终谁又会输掉? We are about to see 我们拭目以待 Maybe I don’t know bout my sins 或许我不知道我的罪恶 It is the devil living inside my brain 它就像一只魔鬼一样藏在我的大脑里 And I struggled and I fought back in vain 我挣扎过,却是徒劳 You might think that I am going insane 你可能觉得我疯了 Maybe I don’t know bout my sins 或许我不知道我的罪恶 It is the devil living inside my brain 它就像一只魔鬼一样藏在我的大脑里 And I struggled and I fought back in vain 我挣扎过,却是徒劳 You might think that I am going insane 你可能觉得我疯了