Infinity (Live|Remix) 作词 : 唐恬/尚雯婕 作曲 : 薛伯特/尚雯婕 编曲:薛伯特 演唱:薛伯特 我看到的未来薄如蝉翼 瑰丽 寥寂遥遥无期 我渴望一个奇迹 我需要你在这里 Run away from the gravity Step into infinity If I live to fight the sorrow Would you follow Never lose your heart Hold on to your love Never lose your heart 在夹缝里窥到一个梦境 尘埃一粒也能写下传奇 看着你的眼睛 心头明火不熄 在这片狂欢之地 Run away from the gravity Step into infinity If I live to fight the sorrow Would you follow Never lose your heart Never lose your faith Never lose your way Hold on to your love Hold on to your dream Count all your blessings Never lose your heart Hold on to your love