牡丹亭·惊梦·山桃红 (live) Shantaohong, selected from “The Dream Interrupted” from The Peony Pavilion (唱)则为你如花美眷,似水流年。 是答儿闲寻遍,(呃)在幽闺自怜。 (白)姐姐,和你那答儿讲话去 哪里去?哪! (唱)转过这芍药栏前, 紧靠着湖山石边。 和你把领扣儿松,衣带宽, 袖梢儿揾着牙儿苫也。 则待你忍耐温存一晌眠。 (白)姐姐!小生哪一处不寻到,却在这里。 恰好在花园内,折得垂柳半枝。 姐姐,你既淹通诗书, 何不作诗一首,以赏此柳枝乎? 那生素昧平生,因何到此? 姐姐,咱一片闲情,爱煞你哩! (Sing) This sprig is for you, flower-like maiden. But bear in mind that years flow by quickly, like water. I have searched for you everywhere, while you languished in the shadows of your secluded boudoir. (Narrate) Fair maiden, shall we not withdraw to converse more intimately? But where shall we go? (Sing) Beyond the fences, cloaked in peonies, close by the limestone rockery, I will loosen your collar, and slacken your belt. You will nip the edge of your sleeve, if only from enduring my tender caresses as we slumber. (Narrate) Fair maiden! Where have I not looked for you, only to find you right here! I happen to have found a willow sprig in the garden, and I plucked it for you. Fair maiden, since you are such a passionate reader of poetry, Won’t you compose an ode to this willow spray? But we have never met. Why have you made your way here today? Fair maiden, we are at our leisure, and I love you so passionately!