You’ll live long enough to try 作词 : 安九 作曲 : 小熊 When you see sunlight from the darkness And flowers blooming in shadow You know that hope is always hiding For you to find it tomorrow When your heart is healed from a good-bye And there’s still a long way to follow You know that time is always rushing For you to become mellow So wear a smile with the head up You'll have your dream built up in your eyes. Do wear a smile while life's bustling That's how you welcome Surprise When you are making your own way And there is pain that still grows You know that nobody else could be you To fulfill the life you chose So now go ahead and never surrender Don't let chances pass you by So now go ahead and you are closer You'll live long enough to try You will see sunlight from the darkness And flowers blooming in shadow So now go ahead and never surrender Don't let chances pass you by So now go ahead and you are closer You'll live long enough to try So now go ahead and never surrender Don't let chances pass you by So now go ahead and you are closer You'll live long enough to try