成都City it's c4 u know i'm kingkong 我专做说唱成都的方言你搞都搞不醒火 闷到脑壳整的是你最向往的生活 我在上面唱的时候请你好生配合 这是成都,都晓得,我不管你哓不晓得 九眼桥的美女给我颈行种了一个草莓 你不好意思说我真的好色 红唇加短裙我已经陷入沼泽 ya know this is where i live (成都city) ya know everbody love CD just say it with me it's 成都city 像啥子地震2012根本不得虚 成都人的撇托就像象棋头的车 休闲购物棋牌和娱乐 吃焦卡卡角角都爱天府的生活 我爱成都因为这是我的家 成都女生耪墨到还喜欢耍腻 喊你不要看了你娃瘪瘪长疮 嘿,不好意思老子这把极品杠上花 ya know this is where i live (成都city) ya know everbody love CD just say it with me it's 成都city say set it with me it's 成都city 因为这是成都所以都喜欢来耍 劝你来耍最好先要揣好你的卡 从锦江到青羊,成华到金牛,东汉末年曹操挟天子以令诸侯 武侯,想起原来的蜀国 成都太巴适了 所以阿斗都耍瓜了 溜到邵不扯票看热闹爱吹口哨 i love my city ,成都,欢迎光临 ya know this is where i live (成都city) ya know everbody love CD just say it with me it's 成都city say set it with me it's 成都city just say it with me it's 成都city say set it with me it's 成都city