[00:00.000] 作词 : 周耀辉 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 方大同/Derrick Sepnio [00:02.000] 编曲 : 方大同/Derrick Sepnio/Fergus Chow [00:09.48]脱掉皮靴 跳下白雪 [00:08.66] [00:13.87]有一些轻快轻得很绝世 [00:13.04] [00:18.20]也吻过侯爵 钻过里约 [00:16.69] [00:22.51]有一些艳丽很绝代 [00:21.71] [00:25.39]变成我我我 [00:27.92]边走边在学 [00:27.31] [00:30.27]春花和秋月 [00:29.61] [00:32.29]美好也残缺 [00:34.57]起来 追更多孔雀 攀更多大山大岳 [00:33.85] [00:38.73]找更多人来陪我 绝对绝 [00:42.47]看万物越来越生 我越来越活 [00:47.22]一切都要感觉 So 绝 Oh Yeah [00:50.90]看我们约地约天 我现在约我 [00:56.06]一刻不知不觉 So 绝 Oh Yeah [00:55.04] [01:00.47]爱爱爱得欲绝 [00:59.55] [01:02.58]拍拍拍案叫绝 [01:04.77]一切都要感觉 It's so 绝 [01:09.12]来来来得不绝 [01:08.27] [01:11.16]再再再不拒绝 [01:13.40]一刻不知不觉 It's so 绝 [01:22.74]过去过去 未来未来 [01:20.91] [01:26.87]大不了转身而去要绝尘 [01:26.10] [01:31.06]不需要攻略 只要跨越 [01:29.72] [01:35.28]怪不得喜欢逛绝处 [01:34.56] [01:38.30]遇到你你你 [01:40.88]边走边在学 [01:40.19] [01:43.27]镜花和水月 [01:42.69] [01:45.30]暧昧也真确 [01:47.47]起来 追更多孔雀 攀更多大山大岳 [01:51.70]找更多人来陪我 绝对绝 [01:55.09]看万物越来越生 我越来越活 [02:00.15]一切都要感觉 So 绝 Oh Yeah [01:59.39] [02:04.07]看我们约地约 天 我现在约我 [02:08.86]一刻不知不觉 So 绝 Oh Yeah [02:07.91] [02:13.17]爱爱爱得欲绝 [02:12.56] [02:15.41]拍拍拍案叫绝 [02:17.56]一切都要感觉 It's so 绝 [02:22.01]来来来得不绝 [02:21.14] [02:24.05]再再再不拒绝 [02:26.19]一刻不知不觉 It's so 绝 [02:29.97]Now honestly I don't mess around [02:32.15]When there comes a time I'll do things my way [02:34.91]I'm a little bit of hot and cold [02:36.47]A little right and wrong [02:37.47]And that's just how I like it live it love it make it [02:41.13]All the little things that come with life like it should [02:45.16]Nothing they can say can bring me down c'mon [02:44.16] [02:47.24]看万物越来越生 我越来越活 [02:51.84]一切都要感觉 So 绝 Oh Yeah [02:55.37]看我们约地约天 我现在约我 [03:00.34]一刻不知不觉 So 绝 [03:02.95]So 绝 [03:03.75]看万物越来越生 我越来越活 [03:08.64]一切都要感觉 So 绝 Oh Yeah [03:12.37]看我们约地约天 我现在约我 [03:17.23]一刻不知不觉 So 绝 Oh Yeah [03:21.91]爱爱爱得欲绝 [03:21.21] [03:24.08]拍拍拍案叫绝 [03:26.08]一切都要感觉 It's so 绝 [03:30.44]来来来得不绝 [03:29.74] [03:32.54]再再再不拒绝 [03:34.71]一刻不知不觉 It's so 绝 [03:39.11]Rap词 : Fergus Chow [03:40.11]制作人 : Derrick Sepnio @JTW/Fergus Chow @JTW [03:40.21]所有乐器 : 方大同 Khalil Fong [03:40.34]吉他 : Derrick Sepnio [03:40.40]贝斯 : Fergus Chow [03:40.57]管弦乐编写 : Bill Meyers [03:40.63]数位编辑 : Derrick Sepnio/Jeff Li [03:40.70]录音 : Derrick Sepnio/Jeff Li at Lightroom Studio [03:40.89]和声 : 莫文蔚/田晓梅 [03:40.92]混音 : Richard Furch at the mixHaus studio , Los Angeles [03:40.95]助理 : Jorel Corpus [03:40.98]OP : Sony/ATV Music Publishing (HK) / Fu Muse Limited Admin by Warner/Chappell Music HK Ltd. [03:41.00]SP : Sony Music Publishing (Pte) Ltd. Taiwan Branch / Warner/Chappell Music Taiwan Ltd.