[00:00.000] 作词 : Sting/DominicMiller [00:00.544] 作曲 : Sting/DominicMiller [00:01.89]制作人:WesKoz [00:02.02]编曲:KAIROS [00:25.00]He deals the cards as a meditation [00:30.68]And those he plays never suspect [00:36.38]He doesn't play for the money he wins [00:41.78]He doesn't play for respect [00:47.31]我渴望一个完整的童年 [00:49.56]但为什么噩梦和悲剧 [00:51.35]总是一遍遍重现 [00:52.87]在我失去你之后 [00:54.23]世界就只剩下黑白 [00:55.81]别人被命运眷顾 [00:57.20]我却被一直推开 [00:58.69]如果不变得强大 [01:00.31]谁来保护我 [01:01.55]如果不解决麻烦 [01:03.15]该找谁诉说 [01:04.39]如果不变得坚强 [01:05.85]困难该怎么度过 [01:06.93]如果我足够优秀 [01:08.01]是不是你还会从我身边路过 [01:10.14]就算正义不站在我这方 [01:12.00]咬碎牙还是会上 [01:12.96]左轮手枪 子弹上膛 [01:14.28]第二枪 打在心脏 [01:15.54]准备好shot gun garata [01:16.79]I'm gonna take your live garata [01:18.20]枪管里冒着的蓝火 [01:19.40]为了我弟弟和该死的生活 [01:21.20]He lied he lied he lied [01:22.69]被我发现了真相 [01:23.84]I want revenge leon [01:24.85]I want revenge [01:25.46]我需要变得更强 [01:27.05]No woman no kids [01:28.01]Yeah I got the rules [01:29.76]我才不管以后会变得怎么样 [01:31.57]I want love or death [01:32.87]I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier [01:38.66]I know that the clubs are weapons of war [01:44.49]I know that diamonds mean money for this art [01:50.26]But that's not the shape of my heart [02:10.59]He may play the jack of diamonds [02:13.85]生活是否一直如此艰难 [02:16.46]He may lay the queen of spades [02:20.04]Somebody help somebody help [02:21.84]He may conceal a king in his hand [02:25.60]该怎么活 [02:26.21]才能没有牵绊 [02:27.71]While the memory of it fades [02:31.47]Shape of my heart [02:32.92]Shape of my heart [02:35.64]Shape of my heart [02:43.02]Shape of my heart [02:45.36]I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier [02:55.88]我不会再不停地追问 [02:58.46]有了根不再恨床和枕 [02:59.80]你说从此不再一个人 [03:00.96]I know that the clubs are weapons of war [03:02.25]我会记得 [03:02.84]只有你才这么对我 [03:04.14]屋外交火 出口被锁 [03:05.31]你保证过绝不会丢下我 [03:07.45]I know that diamonds mean money for this art [03:08.64]我开始学会自己一个人拼 [03:09.97]指环游戏 同归于尽 [03:11.46]那来找我 为什么失信 [03:13.10]But that's not the shape of my heart [03:14.11]学会放下该被你牵着的手 [03:15.62]通风口 别放手 [03:16.45]等太久 [03:17.08]为什么当初没一起走 [03:19.28]That's not the shape [03:31.48]Shape of my heart [03:36.82]对白: [03:37.56]活在另一个世界 [03:40.29]你是否还能保护我 [03:43.45]在你的保护下 [03:45.14]我不会有麻烦 [03:47.22]但还是 想和你诉说 [03:50.40]我已经学会慢慢长大 [03:53.18]所有困难都能度过 [03:56.59]我知道你在看着我 [03:59.08]会从我身边路过