Lanhuamei, selected from “The Stirring Zither” from The Jade Hairpin (唱)月明云淡露华浓, 欹枕愁听四壁蛩。 伤秋宋玉赋西风。 落叶惊残梦。 (白)小生对此溶溶夜月,悄悄闲庭,背井离乡,孤衾独枕,好生烦闷。不免到白云楼下闲步一回,多少是好。 (唱)月明云淡露华浓, 欹枕愁听四壁蛩。 伤秋宋玉赋西风。 落叶惊残梦。 (Sing) The moon shines brightly, the clouds few, and the flowers moist with dew. Sleepless, melancholy, I listen to the cricket’s call. The autumn wind has inspired great elegies. The leaves fall, and I am awakened from my drowsy reverie. (Narrate) In the vastness of the moonlight, I stand alone in the tranquil courtyard. Far away from my home, I sleep alone. What misery! Ah@ Why don’t I take a walk by the White Cloud Pavilion? Indeed a good idea. (Sing) The moon shines brightly, the clouds few, and the flowers moist with dew. Sleepless, melancholy, I listen to the cricket’s call. The autumn wind has inspired great elegies. The leaves fall, and I am awakened from my drowsy reverie.