[00:00.000] 作词 : Spylent [00:01.000] 作曲 : Spylent [00:02.000] 编曲 : Primeone [00:08.67]出品:网易·云上 [00:10.67]you see I might just put some frosting [00:12.27]on top of my cake flowers as toppings [00:14.43]Probably not cuz I’m not gonna bother flossing [00:17.24]粉丝暴涨 神父叫我感谢上帝 [00:19.50]可我更该感谢上帝 [00:20.74]So tell me should I keep my fingers crossed? and [00:23.22]they see me grind they rush in, they tryna stop me [00:25.85]我给他们扔进游泳池 里面灌的福尔马林 [00:28.60]deter 这是场刷洗 你最好抓紧 [00:31.33] [00:34.05]当我驻足认真 回顾这段进程 [00:36.88]过去两年一片混沌 [00:39.40]时光它慢吞吞 [00:40.89]暴雨倾进烟囱 长出春笋 [00:42.95]心里仍然清 但窗外浓烟滚滚 [00:45.75]世俗的摩擦从没让我变得温顺 [00:48.73]我夜晚在家转flow 白天图书馆写论文 [00:51.45]我看到那些年轻rapper想把运气碰碰 [00:54.31]没想清楚 辍了学 他变成混混 [00:57.19]他大叫着 “难 难难” [00:59.84]rapper搞内卷 我往外翻 翻翻 [01:02.73]团 团的编排 跌宕起浮像 “MMM” [01:05.19]出人意料的每一步他怎么可能算计的到 [01:08.27]他猜不透我 就像猜不透武松酒量 [01:10.77]他以为我会继续蒸炒 我却做起酒酿 [01:13.79]我走了马走了车 他以为我会走象 [01:16.53]当我走向顶端他不愿信这是剧情的走向 [01:19.35] [01:19.85]urgent urgent [01:23.50]文字像 我儿子 [01:25.48]My train of thoughts go through the corridor [01:27.64]Dongbei to Florida [01:28.83]Touring these words of course they are torn by me, a foreigner [01:31.53]Fortune’s important destroying rappers is like doing chores [01:34.46]Orbit around his corpse [01:35.99]‘course I’m a coroner [01:37.26]Nice job [01:38.00]When rap is with me you’re just a lightbulb [01:40.52]It’s not fans surrounding you it's white chalks [01:43.63]几个rapper在那吵吵闹闹 战队打call 觉得自己做的对 [01:46.03]但都没有察觉你被陷进圈里 想把一道主观题做对 [01:48.88]你的眼界 被局限 而我穿内裤的目的都是和g作对 [01:51.81]复制这个复制那个 发点评头论足的屁话 [01:54.71]而我把你的网络独白 当创作素材 [01:56.87]你装得酷 但每天躺着撸牌 [01:59.94]你想着不该 想的舞台 [02:01.74]装阔、胡掰 是两个附带品 [02:05.76]黑的还是会黑 [02:07.14]But I got nothing to offer after all the ****s I gave [02:09.90]新的Haters开始作祟 [02:11.93]语言不咋锐 [02:12.89]当你被毒蛇们泼过脏水 [02:15.07]虫来蛰你就如同挠挠后背 [02:16.81]我享受专注地创造字迹 [02:20.06]自甘堕落拿他们当事例 [02:22.89]我和他们相同的只有每天的工作: [02:25.14]都是一直摩擦圆柱体的头部直到其出水 [02:27.97]但我握的是笔 [02:48.50]...