[00:20.22]Chorus: [00:20.80]Big city busy all day (I'm a part of it) [00:23.43]Big city busy all day (I'm in love with it) [00:25.87]Big city busy all day [00:28.23]24/7 no pain no gain [00:30.61]Like a Jamaican in New York [00:31.62]For the dolla dolla bill yo [00:34.34]For the dolla dolla bill yo [00:37.68]For the dolla dolla bill yo [00:39.47]Verse 1: (Raynee) [00:40.57]当选择离开远走他乡 [00:43.09]挡唔住对未来嘅执着 [00:46.01]阿爸嘅关心啊妈嘅念想 [00:48.16]屋企人嘅期望有边个又何尝唔一样 [00:50.57]生活唔止赚钱咁简单 [00:52.92]买车买楼都买唔到一刻悠闲 [00:55.56]换过几间公司 [00:57.43]识多咗几个同事 [00:58.65]I promise I will be the man [01:00.48]to protect our family [01:01.67]慢慢学识饮早茶, [01:03.03]一盅两件加份报纸 [01:04.39]去老西关 [01:06.17]睇粤剧 [01:07.13]《昭君出塞》《三娘教子》 [01:08.38]仲有好多好多地方未曾去过 [01:10.42]仲有好多好多朋友未曾识过 [01:12.86]Work hard play hard [01:14.14]日日夜夜都有pa预埋我 [01:16.04]我用唔系好准嘅白话 [01:17.94]系哩个城市唱Hip-Hop [01:20.59]Chorus: [01:20.92]Big city busy all day (I'm a part of it) [01:22.82]Big city busy all day (I'm in love with it) [01:24.99]Big city busy all day [01:27.45]24/7 no pain no gain [01:29.94]Like a Jamaican in New York [01:31.23]For the dolla dolla bill yo [01:33.76]For the dolla dolla bill yo [01:36.25]For the dolla dolla bill yo [01:38.96]Verse 2: (Mossa) [01:40.19]我哋搬来哩度唔算好耐 [01:41.82]大大话话都有返十年八载 [01:44.97]大家来自四面八方五湖四海 [01:47.27]学识点样用银纸去发泄你的情绪 [01:49.73]曾几何时挂住阿妈煮嘅罗汉斋 [01:52.45]Can't fotget it 0754 [01:54.38]我在潮汕来 [01:55.49]我系度挨过杯面为咗赚钱 [01:58.06]For the music我从来都唔敷衍 [02:00.18]付出个心 [02:00.94]交咗好多知心老友约埋一起掘金 [02:02.81]人情冷暖善恶好丑 [02:04.68]已经睇过太多 [02:05.85]偷呃鬼骗太多 [02:06.87]由郑秀文唱煞科 [02:07.94]到广场舞小苹果 [02:09.42]今日一线 [02:10.60]陈sir,小蛮腰,琶醍 [02:12.59]以前Babyface大篷车环市中长提 [02:14.79]我地一路蒲过来 [02:15.92]我都算系半个广州仔 [02:19.03]Chorus: [02:19.57]Big city busy all day (I'm a part of it) [02:21.95]Big city busy all day (I'm in love with it) [02:24.45]Big city busy all day [02:26.97]24/7 no pain no gain [02:28.78]Like a Jamaican in New York [02:30.24]For the dolla dolla bill yo [02:33.17]For the dolla dolla bill yo [02:35.65]For the dolla dolla bill yo [02:36.86]Verse 3:(P.O.P) [02:39.41]我想在这个城市里面唱我自己的歌 [02:41.76]哪怕是再小的舞台 [02:43.03]我也带着微笑卖力的唱着 [02:44.49]妈妈在电话那头 关心着 担心着 [02:46.90]异乡人在广州 奋斗着 进步着 [02:49.47]在这儿生根发芽 [02:51.08]孩子也在这 慢慢长大 [02:53.71]古老的城池慢慢创造出新的文化 [02:56.70]广州 [02:57.83]I'm feeling your love [02:59.44]Chorus: [02:59.97]Big city busy all day (I'm a part of it) [03:01.73]Big city busy all day (I'm in love with it) [03:04.13]Big city busy all day [03:06.56]24/7 no pain no gain [03:08.50]Like a Jamaican in New York [03:10.32]For the dolla dolla bill yo [03:12.79]For the dolla dolla bill yo [03:15.14]For the dolla dolla bill yo [03:22.31]