[00:00.000] 作词 : 杨和苏 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 何亮 [00:14.973]合:You'd better move [00:17.215]You'd better move [00:18.967]马上认输 [00:20.226]Right now [00:22.718]You'd better move [00:24.471]You'd better move [00:26.213]别挡我路 [00:28.963]张杰:汽油升温在燃烧引擎盖 [00:33.713]水箱里已经快烧开 [00:37.473]我准备好接管比赛 [00:40.968]内心里boom boom boom [00:42.723]绿巨人醒来 [00:44.463]用力握紧方向盘 [00:47.969]只要自己做裁判 [00:51.222]我加速变道急转弯 [00:54.217]甩开你wow wow wow几百米之外 [00:57.466]Peace out [00:58.464]一切胜负尽在刹那间 [01:01.218]瞬息之间 [01:02.471]不灭的骄傲是杀手锏 [01:04.467]Oh god d**n [01:05.965]加大马力和我肩并肩 [01:07.973]我们已注定势不可挡 [01:09.970]就是要横冲直撞 wow [01:12.213]张馨月:You won't confine me [01:14.963]我无可挑剔 [01:16.219]流线型的身体 [01:18.469]I will define me [01:21.222]车轮留下痕迹 [01:23.718]藏着我所有疯狂秘密 [01:25.715]张杰、张馨月:Across the city wanna ride with you [01:29.464]I just wanna ride with you [01:32.970]Anywhere in the world yeah we can get to [01:36.465]There is nothing we can not get through [01:40.716]提前到达或是误入歧途 wu [01:44.222]都要坚持最初的速度 [01:52.974]杨和苏:Loke Y baby Eh 我的 flow [01:55.471]米开朗基罗的技术 加上毕加索的展现力 [01:57.214]根本不用费吹灰之力 一击就能把你击毙 [01:59.722]有百分百的几率 字里行间比什么都比你犀利 [02:01.973]我们差了不只几米 这不是机密不打比喻 [02:04.215]再压几句韵脚无可比拟 行云流水嘴里面 [02:06.723]装了辆法拉利 像兴奋剂 [02:08.974]Eh I'm high and fly [02:10.471]What is on my mind I don't really mind [02:12.214]好像跑得太快 像雨里送着外卖 [02:13.466]You hating bye [02:14.722]F you good night [02:16.473]他们鼻子气歪所以只能叽歪 [02:17.218]但我并不意外 我的文笔我的厉害 [02:18.216]好像现代莎士比亚握着麦 eh [02:24.418]张杰:用力握紧方向盘 [02:25.670]只让自己做裁判 [02:29.921]我加速变道急转弯 [02:31.918]甩开你 wow wow wow几百米之外 [02:35.168]Peace out [02:35.924]一切胜负尽在刹那间 [02:39.173]不灭的骄傲是杀手锏 [02:42.425]加大马力和我肩并肩 [02:45.675]我们已注定势不可挡 [02:47.917]就是要横冲直撞 wow [02:50.168]张馨月:You won't confine me [02:52.676]我无可挑剔 [02:54.173]流线型的身体 [02:56.171]I will define me [02:59.423]车轮留下痕迹 [03:01.175]藏着我所有疯狂秘密 [03:03.416]张杰、张馨月:Across the city wanna ride with you [03:07.176]I just wanna ride with you [03:10.917]Anywhere in the world yeah we can get to [03:14.178]There is nothing we can not get through [03:18.172]提前到达或是误入歧途 wu [03:20.925]都要坚持最初的速度 [03:29.677]合:You'd better move [03:32.418]You'd better move [03:34.427]决定胜负只在刹那间 [03:37.423]You'd better move [03:39.420]You'd better move [03:41.417]骄傲就是我的杀手锏 [03:44.167]You'd better move [03:46.675]You'd better move [03:48.173]加大马力和我肩并肩 [03:50.926]You'd better move [03:53.177]You'd better move [03:54.919]注定是势不可挡 [03:56.928]就是要横冲直撞